نمایش نتایج جستجو برای
کلمات کلیدی: Control
موارد یافت شده: 344
1 - A new fungal entomopathogen has potency as a biocontrol agent of longhorn beetle larva, Osphranteria coerulescencs (چکیده)2 - Effects of Preharvest Application of Chemical Compounds on Pear (Pyrus communis cv. ‘Shekari’) Fruit Traits (چکیده)
3 - Statistical testing quality and its Monte Carlo simulation based on fuzzy specification limits (چکیده)
4 - An iterative method to solve the time delay optimal control problem with bounded control variable (چکیده)
5 - Control Charts Based on Zero to k Inflated Power Series Regression Models and Their Applications (چکیده)
6 - Neural network for solving disturbance optimal control model for production inventory system with stochastic deterioration in two-level supply chain (چکیده)
7 - Studying the pathogenic Streptomyces strains responsible for causing potato common scab in Iran and assessing the efficacy of native S. fimicarius -ghR and S. rochei -FsG in reducing scab lesion development in both potato and radish hosts in vivo (چکیده)
8 - Comparison of the effects of the motion control versus neutral footwear on the selected gait kinematic parameters among 10-12-year-old boys with genu valgum deformity (چکیده)
9 - Utilization of Antagonistic Bacteria for Managing Potato Brown Leaf Spot Caused by Alternaria tenuissima and Plant-Associated Biochemical Changes During Disease Development (چکیده)
10 - Using the optimal control technique in facilities sharing to increased units’ efficiency (چکیده)
11 - A review of selected control surfaces for aircraft performance improves (چکیده)
12 - Cell-Based Regenerative Endodontics for the Treatment of Irreversible Pulpitis: An In Vivo Investigation (چکیده)
13 - Optimal design and operation of the hybrid absorption-compression chiller plants - Energy and economic analysis (چکیده)
14 - Evolutionary support vector regression for monitoring Poisson profiles (چکیده)
15 - Intellectual capital, social capital components and internal control weaknesses: evidence from Iran’s business environment (چکیده)
16 - The Impact Of Corruption Indicators On Tourism Income In Equal Development Level Countries With Iran (چکیده)
17 - An Analytic Investigation of Hopf Bifurcation Location Control for the Rulkov Map Model (چکیده)
18 - Process capability analysis for simple linear profiles (چکیده)
19 - ANN-based procedure to obtain the optimal design and operation of the compression chiller network – Energy, economic and environmental analysis (چکیده)
20 - کنترل بیماری های کرمی در اسب: دیدگاههای تازه (چکیده)
21 - Undiscounted reinforcement learning for infinite-time optimal output tracking and disturbance rejection of discrete-time LTI systems with unknown dynamics (چکیده)
22 - Effects of housing layout and perceived behavioral control over social distancing in relation between social isolation and psychological distress during pandemic of COVID-19 (چکیده)
23 - Investigating the Effect of Locus of Control and Research Ethics on Preventing Plagiarism: Case Study of Iranian Criminal Science Experts (چکیده)
24 - Iterative method to solve the time delay optimal control problem (چکیده)
25 - Combination of Sequential Sampling Technique with GLR Control Charts for Monitoring Linear Profiles Based on the Random Explanatory Variables (چکیده)
26 - Employing evolutionary artificial neural network in risk-adjusted monitoring of surgical performance (چکیده)
27 - An extended Euler-Lagrange equations for discrete time-delay optimal control problem with time-varying (چکیده)
28 - lrm;Optimal control problem: A case study on production planning in reverse logistics system (چکیده)
29 - Monitoring simple linear profiles in the presence of within‐ and between‐profile autocorrelation (چکیده)
30 - Calm down, please!: Exploring the effects of driving anger expression (DAX) on traffic locus of control (T-LOC) and crash involvement among drivers in Tehran, Iran (چکیده)
31 - Versatile DAC-less successive approximation ADC architecture for medium speed data acquisition (چکیده)
32 - Insulin infusion rate control using information theoretic–based nonlinear model predictive control for type 1 diabetes patients (چکیده)
33 - Monitoring processes with multiple dependent production lines using time between events control charts (چکیده)
34 - Copula-based multivariate EWMA control charts for monitoring the mean vector of bivariate processes using a mixture model (چکیده)
35 - Tuning the Type-2 Fuzzy Controller for Active Control of Buildings Under Seismic Vibrations (چکیده)
36 - Efficacy of saprophytic yeasts on growth of Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin production (چکیده)
37 - Analyzing free vibration of a double-beam joined by a three-degree-of-freedom system (چکیده)
38 - Nonlinear static analysis of cable-stayed bridge considering semirigid connections (چکیده)
39 - An efficient design for solving discrete optimal control problem with time-varying multi delay (چکیده)
40 - Shooting Continuous Runge--Kutta method for Delay Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
41 - Adaptive Fuzzy Robust Tracking Control Using Human Electromyogram Signals for Elastic Joint Robots (چکیده)
42 - Interval type-2 generalized fuzzy hyperbolic modelling and control of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
43 - Probabilistic Active Control of Structures Using a Probabilistic Fuzzy Logic Controller (چکیده)
44 - Structural control of building with ATMD through AN-IT2FLC under seismic excitation (چکیده)
45 - Evaluation of vitamin D3 serum level of microemulsion based hydrogel containing Calcipotriol drug (چکیده)
46 - The Effects of MTMD and HBI on the Performance of a Benchmark Building Against Near-Field Earthquakes Using Fuzzy Logic (چکیده)
47 - Automatic oscillations detection and classification of control loop using generalized machine learning algorithms (چکیده)
48 - Quantitative risk assessment and risk reduction of integrated acid gas enrichment and amine regeneration process using Aspen Plus dynamic simulation (چکیده)
49 - Numerical solutions of two-dimensional PDE-constrained optimal control problems via bilinear pseudo-spectral method (چکیده)
50 - Leader-Follower Formation Control of Uncertain USV Networks under Stochastic Disturbances (چکیده)
51 - Event-Triggered Tracking Formation of Networked Nonlinear Intelligent Transportation Systems Surrounded by Random Disturbances (چکیده)
52 - Geometric and Material Nonlinear Analyses of Trusses Subjected to Thermomechanical Loads (چکیده)
53 - A Modified Picard Iteration Method to Solve Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
54 - Extraction of Approximate Solution for a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems Using 1/G′ -Expansion Technique (چکیده)
55 - An ensemble neural network framework for improving the detection ability of a base control chart in non-parametric profile monitoring (چکیده)
56 - Material internal control weakness with intangible assets, capital structure and commercial risk (چکیده)
57 - Comparative analysis of the relationship between internal control weakness and different types of auditor opinions in fraudulent and non-fraudulent firms (چکیده)
58 - A suboptimal control of linear time-delay problems via dynamic programming (چکیده)
59 - Plantwide control and dynamic assessment of a novel NGL/LNG integrated scheme (چکیده)
60 - A New Numerical Approach for Solving Fractional Optimal Control Problems with the Caputo–Fabrizio Fractional Operator (چکیده)
61 - A fractional reset control scheme for a DC-DC buck converter (چکیده)
62 - An Approximate Solution for Glucose Model via Parameterization Method in Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
63 - Distributed secondary control of islanded microgrids using modified integral backstepping technique (چکیده)
64 - Cognitive-Affective control training reduces worry and GAD symptoms: investigating training and transfer effect (چکیده)
65 - Enhancing the detection ability of control charts in profile monitoring by adding RBF ensemble model (چکیده)
66 - Analyses of non-Fourier heat conduction in 1-D spherical biological tissue based on dual-phase-lag bio-heat model using the conservation element/solution element (CE/SE) method: A numerical study (چکیده)
67 - Monitoring udder health status using somatic cell counts in Holstein dairy herds located in north east of Iran and effectiveness of 10-point mastitis control program (چکیده)
68 - Platoon of uncertain unmanned surface vehicle teams subject to stochastic environmental loads (چکیده)
69 - Event-triggered formation control of n-link networked stochastic robotic manipulators (چکیده)
70 - Fault Tolerant Control of Blood Glucose Concentration Using Reinforcement Learning (چکیده)
71 - Using Sliding Mode Controller and Eligibility Traces for Controlling the Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients at the Presence of Fault (چکیده)
72 - Integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta: practical implementations across different world regions (چکیده)
73 - Using evolutionary artificial neural networks in monitoring binary and polytomous logistic profiles (چکیده)
74 - Brain emotional learning impedance control of uncertain nonlinear systems with time delay: Experiments on a hybrid elastic joint robot in telesurgery (چکیده)
75 - AK-SESC: a novel reliability procedure based on the integration of active learning kriging and sequential space conversion method (چکیده)
76 - Copula-based exponentially weighted moving average cotrol charts (چکیده)
77 - A Study of Association of Toxoplasma gondii Infection With Schizophrenia in Mashhad Area, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
78 - Stiction detection in control valves using a support vector machine with a generalized statistical variable (چکیده)
80 - Approximate solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (چکیده)
81 - An ANN-based ensemble model for change point estimation in control charts (چکیده)
82 - Run Rules-Based EWMA Charts for Efficient Monitoring of Profile Parameters (چکیده)
83 - Optimal Idle Speed Control of a Natural Aspirated Gasoline Engine Using Bio-inspired Meta-heuristic Algorithms (چکیده)
84 - Investigation on nonlinear dynamics and active control of boring bar chatter (چکیده)
85 - The antimicrobial peptide AsR416 can inhibit the growth, sclerotium formation and virulence of Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA (چکیده)
86 - Preparation a core‐shell lipid/polymer nanoparticle containing Isotretinoin drug with pH sensitive property: A response surface methodology study (چکیده)
87 - Robust adaptive control for a class of nonlinear switched systems using state-dependent switching (چکیده)
88 - The Role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences in Predicting Affective Control and Object Relations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (چکیده)
89 - On the effect of ozonated water on mortality of Tetranychus urticae (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae) on Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae) in greenhouse conditions (چکیده)
90 - A new color index for vegetation segmentation and classification (چکیده)
91 - A new fractional-order developed type-2 fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
92 - Solving the Fractional Optimal Control of a Spring-Mass-Viscodamper System with Caputo–Fabrizio Fractional Operator (چکیده)
93 - The cost-effective and multi-objective optimal positioning of active actuators based on tug of war method in seismically excited benchmark highway bridge (چکیده)
94 - An efficient approximate method for solving two-dimensional fractional optimal control problems using generalized fractional order of Bernstein functions (چکیده)
95 - A novel run rules based MEWMA scheme for monitoring general linear profiles (چکیده)
97 - The Numerical Solution of Some Optimal Control Systems with Constant and Pantograph Delays via Bernstein Polynomials (چکیده)
98 - An improved two‐loop model predictive control design for nonlinear robust reference tracking with practical advantages (چکیده)
99 - A continuous-time optimal control model for workforce planning considering human resource strategies (HRS) (چکیده)
100 - Disturbance observer-based fractional-order nonlinear sliding mode control for a class of fractional-order systems with matched and mismatched disturbances (چکیده)
101 - Risk-adjusted control charts based on LR-fuzzy data (چکیده)
102 - A new approach for monitoring healthcare performance using generalized additive profiles (چکیده)
103 - The relationship between managerial ability, earnings management and internal control quality on audit fees in Iran (چکیده)
104 - Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for a Lower Limb Exoskeleton with Input Saturation (چکیده)
105 - A necessary condition of Pontryagin type for fuzzy fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
106 - Optimality conditions for optimal control under parametric representation of interval uncertainty (چکیده)
107 - An adaptive semismooth Newton method for approximately solving control-constrained elliptic optimal control problems (چکیده)
108 - Fractional optimal control problems with time-varying delay: A new delay fractional Euler–Lagrange equations (چکیده)
109 - Biological control chance and limitation within integrated pest management program in Afghanistan (چکیده)
110 - <p>Improvement of Pain Relief of Fentanyl Citrate Drug Encapsulated in Nanostructured Lipid Carrier: Drug Formulation, Parameter Optimization, in vitro and in vivo Studies</p> (چکیده)
111 - Linear quadratic optimal control problem with fuzzy variables via neural network (چکیده)
112 - The Effect of Audit Committee and Board of Directors Characteristics on Audit Fees and Internal Control Quality in Iran (چکیده)
113 - Performance of riffle structures on the stabilization of two successive knickpoints over a sandy bed (چکیده)
114 - Discrete‐time based sliding‐mode control of robot manipulators (چکیده)
115 - Molecular and morphological identification of Anthocoris spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) predators of three economically important psyllid species in Razavi Khorasan province, Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
116 - MAD Control Chart for Autoregressive Models with Skew-Normal Distribution (چکیده)
117 - prevention and control of newcastle disease : challenges and strategies (چکیده)
118 - RA-CUSUM chart based on LR-fuzzy data (چکیده)
119 - Nash equilibria in the fractional differential game (چکیده)
120 - An Approximation For Delay Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
121 - CEO financial background and internal control weaknesses (چکیده)
122 - Effects of plant essential oils on growth and virulence factors of Erwinia amylovora (چکیده)
123 - Design, analysis, and implementation of a new adaptive chatter control system in internal turning (چکیده)
124 - High-performance controller design and evaluation for active vibration control in boring (چکیده)
125 - ( 1901-4968 ) On the Non-Parametric Multivariate Control Charts in Fuzzy Environment (چکیده)
126 - Investigation of Participatory Needs Assessment to Prioritize Sustainable Development Indicators of Rural Communities Using Hierarchical Analysis Process (چکیده)
127 - Real-Time Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of Brushless DC Motor Drive With Minimum Torque Ripple (چکیده)
128 - First order control variates algorithm for reliability analysis of engineering structures (چکیده)
129 - Event-based Controller Design for Networked Control Systems with Time-varying Random Delays (چکیده)
130 - Plant fertilization helps plants to compensate for aphid damage, positively affects predator efficiency and improves canola yield (چکیده)
131 - Vibration attenuation of rotor-bearing systems using smart electro-rheological elastomer supports (چکیده)
132 - Design of Nonlinear Conformable Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Controller for a Class of Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
133 - The effectiveness of group reality therapy on personal identity crisis improvement with an emphasis on Life expectancy (چکیده)
134 - Clonostachys rosea, a new and promising entomopathogenic fungus infecting pupa of jujube fruit fly, Carpomya vesuviana (چکیده)
135 - On the non-parametric multivariate control charts in fuzzy environment (چکیده)
136 - A Current Observer based on Fourier Series in Model Predictive Control System for DVR (چکیده)
137 - Use of socioeconomic indicators to control desertification (چکیده)
138 - Seismic control of buildings with active tuned mass damper through interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller including soil–structure interaction (چکیده)
139 - Solving optimal control problem using Hermite wavelet (چکیده)
140 - Direct Torque Control of Dual Stator Winding Induction Machine Based on PI-Sliding Mode Control (چکیده)
141 - State Space Predictive Control System Design to Improve Power Quality Issues in Distributed Power System using DVR (چکیده)
142 - Characterization of antagonistic microorganisms against Aspergillus spp. from grapevine leaf and berry surfaces (چکیده)
143 - مقایسه قرابت ژنتیکی برخی از نژادهای گوسفند اهلی ایرانی با برخی از نژادهای خاورمیانه با استفاده از توالی یابی DNA (چکیده)
144 - A new continuous time optimal control model for manpower planning with promotion from inside the system (چکیده)
145 - A new approach to design an observer for load current of UPS based on Fourier series theory in model predictive control system (چکیده)
146 - بررسی فاصله ژنتیکی بین سه نژاد گوسفند ایرانی بر اساس توالی یابی DNA میتوکندری (چکیده)
147 - Distributed finite-time control for arbitrary switched nonlinear multi-agent systems: an observer-based approach (چکیده)
148 - structural damage control with interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller (چکیده)
149 - Vector biology and control in Iran: Challenges and opportunities (چکیده)
150 - Design of a fault-tolerant reversible control unit in molecular quantum-dot cellular automata (چکیده)
151 - An iterative method for suboptimal control of a class of nonlinear time-delayed systems (چکیده)
152 - Model Predictive Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Converters With Fuzzy-Based Duty Cycle Modulation (چکیده)
153 - Controlling structures by inverse adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and MR dampers (چکیده)
154 - The Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Fractional Optimal Control Problems by Measure Theory Approach (چکیده)
155 - The approximate solution of non-linear time-delay fractional optimal control problems by embedding process (چکیده)
156 - An approximate method for solving fractional TBVP with state delay by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
157 - The Laplace‐collocation method for solving fractional differential equations and a class of fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
158 - Broadleaf Weed Control in Corn (Zea mays L.) with Sulfonylurea Herbicides Tank‐mixed with 2,4‐D + MCPA (چکیده)
159 - Solving optimal control problem with Chebyshev polynomials (چکیده)
160 - Integrating Differential Evolution Algorithm with Modified Hybrid GA for Solving Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
161 - A Performance Counter-based Control Flow Checking Technique for Multi-core Processors (چکیده)
162 - Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Submerged Zone of Qanat Hydraulics in Unsteady Conditions (چکیده)
163 - Comparison Between the Economic-Statistical Design of Double and Triple Sampling X¯ Control Charts (چکیده)
164 - sEMG-based impedance control for lower-limb rehabilitation robot (چکیده)
165 - Voltage sensorless improved model predictive direct power control for three-phase grid-connected converters (چکیده)
166 - Learning a Foreign Language: A New Path to Enhancement of Cognitive Functions (چکیده)
167 - Multiple Deferred State Sampling Plan with Fuzzy Parameter (چکیده)
168 - Optimal Control Formulation for Complementarity Dynamical Systems (چکیده)
169 - Robust output feedback assistive control of a compliantly actuated knee exoskeleton (چکیده)
170 - Design, implementation and performance evaluation of a proactive overload control mechanism for networks of SIP servers (چکیده)
171 - Indirect control of single-phase active power filters using harmonic control arrays (چکیده)
172 - Preparation, characterization and in vitro evaluation of microemulsion of raloxifene hydrochloride (چکیده)
173 - A single-stage ballast for HID lamps with a buck chopper integrated direct matrix converter (چکیده)
174 - Approximation methods for solving fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
175 - Novel multilayer microcapsules based on soy protein isolate fibrils and high methoxyl pectin: Production, characterization and release modeling (چکیده)
176 - Numerical solutions for solving a class of fractional optimal control problems via fixed-point approach (چکیده)
177 - Co- Encapsulation of Tamoxifen citrate and Quercetin using 2HP- β- Cyclodextrin: A Response Surface Experimental Design (چکیده)
178 - Innovative adaptive pitch control for small wind turbine fatigue load reduction (چکیده)
179 - Optimal Operation of a CO2 Capturing Plant for a Wide Range of Disturbances (چکیده)
180 - Comments on “A discrete method to solve fractional optimal control problems” (Nonlinear Dyn, DOI:10.1007/s11071-014-1378-1) (چکیده)
181 - Multi‐loop control of stand‐alone inverters with minimum number of sensors (چکیده)
182 - ?Why Fuzzy Quality (چکیده)
183 - Design of Model Predictive Control of two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot (چکیده)
184 - Solving a class of fractional optimal control problems by the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation (چکیده)
185 - A Numerical Simulation of Cure Process Using General Coordinates Method (چکیده)
186 - Adaptive analysis of three-dimensional structures using an isogeometric control net refinement approach (چکیده)
187 - An approximation method for numerical solution of multi-dimensional feedback delay fractional optimal control problems by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
188 - An approximate method for numerically solving multi-dimensional delay fractional optimal control problems by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
189 - A Neural Network Approach for Solving a Class of Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
190 - The Effects of Attention Control Training on Drug Abusers\' Attentional Bias and Treatment Outcome (چکیده)
191 - Control of wake destructive behavior for different bluff bodies in channel flow by magnetohydrodynamics (چکیده)
192 - Control of interaction between MHD and nanofluid for thermal and drag management by RSM (چکیده)
193 - Application of the harmonic control arrays technique to single‐phase stand‐alone inverters (چکیده)
194 - Improving photocatalytic activity of ZnS nanoparticles for degradation of an azo dye under sunlight via synergistic effect of graphene nanosheets (چکیده)
195 - variable Impedance Control for Rehabilitation Robot Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (چکیده)
196 - RLS based adaptive IVT2 fuzzy controller for uncertain model of inverted pendulum (چکیده)
197 - Maximum torque per ampere control of brushless doubly fed induction machine using variable structure approach (چکیده)
198 - Variable Structure Direct Torque Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Turbine Applications (چکیده)
199 - Nonlinear static analysis of cable-stayed bridge considering semirigid connections (چکیده)
200 - A change point method for Phase II monitoring of generalized linear profiles (چکیده)
201 - Spectral homotopy analysis method and its convergence for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
202 - Masking wrong-successor Control Flow Errors employing data redundancy (چکیده)
203 - A hybrid-based error detection technique for PLC-based Industrial Control Systems (چکیده)
204 - Estimating the change point of a normal process mean with a monotonic change (چکیده)
205 - Screening bactericidal effect of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum strains against causal agent of potato soft rot (چکیده)
206 - PID Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm (چکیده)
207 - Nonlinear Neural Network Congestion Control Based on Genetic Algorithm for TCP/IP Networks (چکیده)
208 - Using fuzzy logic to control one quarter-car suspension system (چکیده)
209 - A New Switching Strategy for Exponential Stabilization of Uncertain Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems in Guaranteed Cost Control Problem (چکیده)
210 - Speed Regulation of Wind Turbine using Pitch Control Based on Estimation of Equivalent Disturbance of Wind Speed on Control Input (چکیده)
211 - Approximating the Solution of Optimal Control Problems by Fuzzy Systems (چکیده)
212 - An efficient method to solve a fractional differential equation by using linear programming and its application to an optimal control problem (چکیده)
213 - The Linear Switching State Space: A New Modeling Paradigm for Task Scheduling Problems (چکیده)
214 - Application of the Min-Projection and the Model Predictive Strategies for Current Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Converters: a Comparative Study (چکیده)
215 - First report of Anarsia (Ananarsia) eleagnella (Lep.: Gelechiidae) from Iran (چکیده)
216 - A two-phase variable neighborhood search for solving nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
217 - Neuro-Predective Algorithm for structural control (چکیده)
218 - Prediction of solid volume fraction and mean density distribution isograms in slurry flow in a pipe, using ASM model (چکیده)
219 - A Modified Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
220 - Optimal operation of a three-product dividing-wall column with self-optimizing control structure design (چکیده)
221 - Stability boundaries of two-parameter non-linear elastic structures (چکیده)
222 - Molecular Study of an isolate of Steinernema feltiae Filipjev,1934 from Iran nased on ITS rDNA sequence polymorphism (چکیده)
223 - Integrating PSO with modified hybrid GA for solving nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
224 - Step-by-step design and tuning of VOC control loops for grid connected rectifiers (چکیده)
225 - Sliding-Mode Control Based MPPT for PV systems under Non-Uniform Irradiation (چکیده)
226 - A different approach of optimal control on an HIV immunology model (چکیده)
228 - A new approach for the optimal fuzzy linear time invariant controlled system with fuzzy coefficients (چکیده)
229 - Optimal control of time-varying linear delay systems based on the Bezier curves (چکیده)
230 - Bezier Curves for Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind (چکیده)
231 - An economic policy for noise control in industry using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
232 - Numerical solution for nonlinear-quadratic switching control systems with time delay (چکیده)
233 - Adaptive fuzzy tuning of PID controllers (چکیده)
234 - Acceptance Single Sampling Plan By Using of Poisson Distribution (چکیده)
235 - Optimum design of dynamic vibration absorbers for a beam, based on H ∞ and H2 Optimization (چکیده)
236 - Optimal control problem via neural networks (چکیده)
238 - Feedback controller design for linear and a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
239 - An approximate method for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
240 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via He’s Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
241 - Model Predictive Control for Optimal Anti-HIV Drug Administration (چکیده)
242 - An Improved Direct Decoupled Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine Without Rotor Position Sensor and With Robustness to Parameter Variation (چکیده)
243 - Solution of linear optimal control systems by differential transform method (چکیده)
244 - An interval-valued fuzzy controller for complex dynamical systems with application to a 3-PSP parallel robot (چکیده)
245 - Probability based hop selection approach for resource control in Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
246 - Monitoring Fuzzy Capability Index Cpk by using the EWMA Control Chart with Imprecise Data (چکیده)
247 - Knowledge-based Closed-loop Control of Blood Glucose Concentration in Diabetic Patients and Comparison with H∞ Control Technique (چکیده)
248 - Optimal Design of Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Using Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
249 - Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control For a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
250 - Effect of Urea and Molasses on the Chemical and Fermentational Properties of Citrus Pulp Silage (چکیده)
251 - Implementation of Demand Response in Different Control Strategies of Smart Grids (چکیده)
252 - Fuzzy-based Direct Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator-based Wind Energy Conversion Systems (چکیده)
253 - Bezier control points method to solve constrained quadratic optimal control of time varying linear systems (چکیده)
254 - Optimal control of nonlinear systems using the homotopy perturbation method: Infinite horizon case (چکیده)
255 - Optimal control of switched systems based on Bezier control points (چکیده)
256 - The Bezier Control Points Method for Solving Delay Differential Equation (چکیده)
257 - Numerical Solution of a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems Using Linearization and Discretization (چکیده)
258 - Optimal Control of an HIV Model (چکیده)
259 - An approximate-analytical solution for the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation via homotopy perturbation method (چکیده)
260 - Effect of host plant morphological features on functional response of Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae) to Tetranychus urticae (Acari : Tetranychidae (چکیده)
261 - A Case-Control Study of Association between Diarrhea in Newborn Calves and Infection with Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Some Industrial Dairy Herds of Mashhad Area, Iran in 2008 (چکیده)
262 - Phylogeography and Taxonomic Status of the Greater Mouse-Tailed BatRhinopoma microphyllum(Chiroptera: Rhinopomatidae) in Iran (چکیده)
263 - An almost optimal control design method for nonlinear time-delay systems (چکیده)
264 - Solving the Optimal Control of Linear Systems via Homotopy Perturbation Method (چکیده)
265 - Queen-MAC: A quorum-based energy-efficient medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
266 - A Software-Based Error Detection Technique Using Encoded Signatures (چکیده)
268 - Active vibration isolation of machinery and sensitive equipment using H∞ control criterion and particle swarm optimization method (چکیده)
269 - A novel congestion control protocol with AQM support for IP-based networks (چکیده)
270 - The impacts of capabilities and constraints of generating units on simultaneous scheduling of energy and primary reserve (چکیده)
271 - Comparison Between Communication Infrastructures of Centralized and Decentralized Wide Area Measurement Systems (چکیده)
272 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via A Modified Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
273 - Solving infinite horizon nonlinear optimal control problems using an extended modal series method (چکیده)
274 - Dynamic Simulation and Control of Vapor Recompression Column (چکیده)
275 - Solving a class of linear and non-linear optimal control problems by homotopy (چکیده)
277 - Protection of grid connected photovoltaic system during voltage sag (چکیده)
278 - Control parameter estimation in a semi-linear parabolic inverse problem using a high accurate method (چکیده)
279 - The Activity of essential oils of Hyssopus officinalis and Juniperus orointalis Against Rhizopus spp (چکیده)
280 - Allelopathic Effects of some Medicinal Plants Extracts on Seed Germination of Some Weeds and Medicinal Plants (چکیده)
281 - Comparative microbial control of two serious branch borer, Osphranteria coerulescens Redtenbacher (Col.: Cerambyciae) and Zeuzera pyrina L. (Lep.: Cossidae) (چکیده)
282 - Real-time PH-based interpolation algorithm for high speed CNC machining (چکیده)
283 - Solving of time varying quadratic optimal control problems by using Bézier control points (چکیده)
284 - A Detailed Review of Multi-Channel Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
285 - Embedding-Based Sliding Mode Control for Linear Time (چکیده)
286 - Optimal Control of HIV Dynamic Using EmbeddingMethod (چکیده)
287 - A Novel Modal Series Representation Approach to Solve a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
288 - A Learning Based Protocol for Bidirectional Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
289 - Using control theory for analysis of reinforcement learning and optimal policy properties in grid-world problems (چکیده)
290 - Online tuning of genetic based PID controller in LFC systems using RBF neural network and VSTLF technique (چکیده)
291 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via A Modified Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
292 - A New Approach for Finding Minimum Delay Control Centers of Control Networks (چکیده)
293 - Anti- nematode activity of alcoholicextracts and oil of some medicinal plants against the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (چکیده)
294 - Application of a Fuzzy Decision Making System in Determining Road Safety Strategies (چکیده)
295 - Solving Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation as a Control Problem by Using Measure Theory (چکیده)
296 - Control of Potato Sprouting Using Natural Compounds (چکیده)
298 - A new approach for solving of optimal nonlinear control problems (چکیده)
299 - Optimal control strategy for a fully determined HIV model (چکیده)
300 - Management of root knot nematode( Meloidogyne incognita) on Cucumber with the extract and oil of nematicidal plants (چکیده)
301 - Estimation of Human s Performance in Automobile Driving (چکیده)
302 - Solving of time varying quadratic optimal control problems using Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
303 - A new approach for solving of nonlinear time varying control systems (چکیده)
304 - An almost optimal control for time-delay systems (چکیده)
305 - Development of a Pythagorean-hodograph interpolator for high speed CNC machining (چکیده)
306 - Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calves (چکیده)
307 - Pathogenecity and biocontrol potential of the Metarhizium anisopliae in the management of the white grub (چکیده)
308 - Some Geometrical Bases for Incremental-Iterative Methods (چکیده)
309 - semiactive control of structures using neuro-inverse mode of MR dampersl (چکیده)
310 - The Optimal Method for Solving Continuous Linear and Nonlinear Programs (چکیده)
311 - Almost optimal control design for discrete-time nonlinear time-delay systems (چکیده)
312 - A New Approach for Automatic Quality Control of Fried Potatoes Using Machine Learning (چکیده)
313 - Effects of Presprouting, Planting Date, Plant Population and Configuration on Late Blight and Yield of Organic Potato Crops Grown with Different Cultivars (چکیده)
314 - A discretisation method for solving time optimal control problems (چکیده)
315 - Control the Fiber Orientation Distribution at the Outlet of Contraction (چکیده)
316 - Reversing the Sequence: Reducing Alcohol Consumption by Overcoming Alcohol Attentional Bias (چکیده)
317 - Effects of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting forages (چکیده)
318 - Shape optimization of an arterial bypass (چکیده)
319 - potential of cassida rubiginosa as a biological control agent for cirsium arvense (چکیده)
320 - evaluation of alternaria alternata as a potential biocontrol agent for gield bindweed (چکیده)
321 - Shape Optimization of a Nozzle with Specified Flow Field Including Viscosity Effect (چکیده)
322 - Filtration problem in inhomogeneous dam by usinge mbedding method (چکیده)
323 - The Study of the Controllable Paramters on the Hyperthermia Efficiency (چکیده)
324 - Introducing a new ordering policy in a two-echelon inventory system with Poisson demand (چکیده)
325 - Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by CFRP sheets (چکیده)
326 - Biological control of pigweeds (Amaranthus retroflexus L. A. powellii S. Watson and A. bouchonii Thell.) with phytophagous insects, fungal pathogens and crop management (چکیده)
327 - introduction of some arthropode herbivore for biocontrol of canada thistle(cirsium arvense (L.)(scop (چکیده)
328 - MILP modelling for the time optimal control problem in the case of multiple targets (چکیده)
329 - Computation of multiple bifurcation point (چکیده)
330 - Singular Value Decomposition as a Measure for Control Structure Design in Power Systems (چکیده)
331 - Designing a production iine through optimisation of M/G/c* using simulation (چکیده)
332 - An Optimal and Programmable Control Strategy for Flexible and Standard Active Filtering under Non-Sinusoidal Line Voltages (چکیده)
333 - adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of svc and tcsc for improving the dynamic performance of power s (چکیده)
334 - control problems in the discrete cases on infinit _horizon optimal (چکیده)
335 - an effective apprach of the optimal control for an inhomogeneous wave problem (چکیده)
336 - a method for solving nonlinear second order pde (چکیده)
337 - a new method for solving the nonlinear second_order boundary value differential equation (چکیده)
338 - position and velocity control of a flexible joint robot manipulator via a fuzzy controller based on (چکیده)
339 - optimal lincar quadratic tracking using genetic approach (چکیده)
340 - An applicable method for solving the shortest path problems (چکیده)
341 - Alcohol Attention-Control Training Program (چکیده)
342 - Allelopathic Effects of some Medicinal Plants Extracts on Seed Germination of some Weeds and Medicinal Plants (چکیده)
343 - Three Dimension QoS Deviation based Scheduling in Adaptive Wireless Networks (چکیده)
344 - An Access Control Method for Learning Management Systems (چکیده)